Dionne J. Edmonds is a preacher and an ordained ministry leader focused on “empowering women to surrender to Him.” Her ministry ties biblical truth to relevant conversation, which yields real results. Her transparency and wisdom creates a space for women to develop authenticity, transparency and community in order to become “Surrendered Women” (women who give up their lives for the sake of finding it in Christ). She firmly believes that when we surrender we find identity, purpose and destiny.
Committed to stewarding her “full plate well,”—she is a wife, mother, and ministry leader, who works along side her husband, Brian J. Edmonds, Senior Pastor of Macedonia Church of Pittsburgh. A mix of American and Liberian heritage, Dionne’s upbringing and life experiences have encouraged in her: the power of being the “you” that God called and created you to be.
Dionne, a firm believer in the power of prayer who also possesses a strong preaching gift, is committed to seeing women everywhere walk in their God given power and authority…but she knows first hand that it starts with surrender. Dionne completed her undergraduate studies at Howard University and as a graduate of Duke Divinity School, Dionne holds a Masters of Divinity. She invites you to take the journey with her of becoming a surrendered woman.